Macduff in the ‘Coffee Belt’


Macduff has a deep-routed bond with Coffee in the course of its long history as it was initially intended by its founder, to be a Coffee plantation. We are endeavoring to revive that heritage with an Organically grown field of Coffee Arabica, “Lak Perakum”. 

Authorities of Nuwaraeliya region has an amazing vision of creating a ‘Coffee Belt’ in this region, increasing “Lak Perakum” plantations in the Locale, to make this a best quality coffee zone in the World. Macduff became a partner of the ‘Coffee Belt’ with its 10 acres of Coffee Arabica – Lak Perakum grove, which was planted as soon as the introduction of this new selection variant. Please note that the Organic Certification for this field is under Work-in-Process status. 

Lak Perakum is an Arabia of light-taste, propagated specifically to suit the climatic, geographic & atmospheric conditions of Sri Lankan Upcountry over 4000ft. above the sea level in order to bestow you the best taste & quality of Coffee this Isle is capable of producing. It was introduced in 2017 and is considered to be among the Top-10 Best Tasting coffees in the World at the present. 


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